Moving Forward

Just a quick update this week. The plan was to do the front benches next but I’ve realized that I need to put in seat belts first. The belts are in the mail and I am waiting to get a piece of steel made to secure them. In the meantime, we built most of the counter for the kitchen out of some nice knotty pine boards. Eventually we will stain and/or seal the wood but for now we’ve just got it all built in. We decided to build around the window mechanisms so that the original emergency exit handles can go back in. The small area along the back should serve nicely as a duct for the heating and AC.

Next weekend we are going to put in the toilet and fridge and maybe the stove / sink. These will be the first appliances going in and I’ll start to really get a sense of how it’s coming together. After that I will hopefully have the hardware for the seat belts and we can finish off with the front of the bus 🙂

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