Through the Prairies

Well, just like everyone warned, the prairies are wide, flat and quite boring 😛 Seeing the never-ending golden fields for the first time was amazing, and it’s a beautiful place, but two days of straight and flat is tough. On Monday we made it all the way to Moosejaw, Saskatchewan, and, along the way, we wired in a nice new stereo for the bus. We had to disconnect 8 of the 12 speakers to get any good volume from the deck but it was worth it!

Woke up this morning and powered through Manitoba. We are now in a hotel room in the beautiful town of Kenora, Ontario. It seems amazing that on Saturday night we left Vancouver, and now, on Tuesday, we are in Ontario. Unfortunately, if you look at the numbers, we are only just over the halfway mark, but the next 2000 km should be a lot more interesting than the last 1500. Hopefully we can push a few hours past Thunder Bay tomorrow and have some pretty easy days on Thursday and Friday.

The Bus is running beautifully and staying very hydrated. We did some calculations today and found that we’re getting about 7.5 MPG or 36  liters / 100 km. Which may look bad for a car, but for a 1980’s bus, we’re doing really good (and more importantly, we’re doing better than I budgeted for 🙂 )

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