Designs So Far…

Well, I’m coming home to Ottawa soon enough, and it’s going to be time to get working on the bus again! I’ve been busy doing some planning on how we might lay it out inside. The original thought was to have it sleep 8 people, but after a lot of configurations it became clear that it wasn’t going to leave much space for anything else. In the end, it looks like sleeping 6-7 is the best option. This allows us to only keep three sets of seats at the front, and only having one set of bunks. There will be a large kitchen area and a booth-style table that turns into a double bed. The Washroom sits at the back across from the bunks (which will be three high if we can make it work). And then there’s a permanent double bed at the back. Below are some pictures/renders of the layout I did in Maya:

Design from Above LookingForward LookingBack KitchenLookingBack KitchenLookingForward

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