Well the summer is coming to an end here in B.C. and I think it’s time for a little update.We we’re hoping to do a longer trip this season but only managed to squeeze in a couple of weekend trips.
Trip 1: Whister
For those who don’t know, Zara’s birthday is in May, along with one of our other friends, and they decided this year that they wanted to go too a shooting range and shoot some guns! So we packed 7 of us into the bus and headed up to Whistler for the weekend.
It was a beautiful drive as usual that time of year and found ourselves at Whister Shooting Adventures. We (slowly) made our way up a small, gravel mountain path which opened to a big clearing. The sun was really hot that day but we had tons of fun trying out a huge selection of guns. For many of us it was our first time even holding a gun so it was a cool experience.
They’d never had a vehicle as big as the bus up there so he took a great picture and we ended up on their facebook page:
And of course, we got our own copy as well:
The video that I got of us leaving is a bit washed out, but I’ll share it anyway:
I also got some decent footage of us heading to the RV park and looking for gas as well. For those that are worried we did get gas, but not until the next morning on our way out of Whistler. We were sitting around 1/4 of a tank as well I just started worrying because there are very few places to stop along the sea-to-sky highway.
We stayed overnight at an RV park by the mountain, got some Beavertails for the birthday girl, and did some walking around the village as well. On the way home the next day we also stopped in at the Britannia Mine Museum which was a really cool place to see, you get a tour underground and there’s some great old equipment to see.
Trip 2: Seattle
This was a real spur-of-the-moment trip. We all got together on Canada Day (July 1st) which was a friday this year and decided that it would be a good weekend to do a bus trip. So that night we planned a route and headed out first thing the next morning towards Seattle. Only one of us had ever really been to Seattle so it was great first visit. We did Pike Place and The Space Needle and many other must-see tourist attractions in the two days that we were there.
Some Seattle neighbourhoods have some pretty ‘laxed parking laws so we just parked the bus near my cousins house and stayed for free! The streets around here were pretty tight though, the one pictured here was nice because it only had parking on one side, but most that we had to weave down we’re the same width with parking on both sides. Each intersection also had a curb/garden right in the middle to slow traffic (I assume) which made navigating the are in the bus a proper challenge.
Water and Shelves:
Through August and September we didn’t manage any trips, but I did do a couple improvements to the bus. A few years ago my water pump froze and one of the pieces cracked. Turns out it was about the same price to buy a new pump as to replace the piece! So that’s what I did, and at the same time got a small accumulator tank to go with it. I also installed a few valves and a plugin to allow me to connect directly to RV park water when available. I think I’d like to get some kind of filtration system next so that I don’t have to worry about water quality, but for now we will stick to higher end parks I guess.
More recently, Zara and I installed some long overdue shelving under the kitchen counter, which will help make things a little more accessible than the stacked bins that we had before…
Thanks for reading!