It’s been too long since my last post, and there is lots to talk about! I’m going to split everything up in to a few posts but they may appear all at the same time. First of all, we took a small day trip in October to a little town called Harrison Hot Springs here in B.C. Our friend was visiting from Ontario and it seemed like a good opportunity to get the bus out on the road for a day.
As I understand it, Harrison is quite a popular spot in the warm summer months. They have a beautiful strip of waterfront and the town itself has a certain charm to it. Unfortunately for us, this day in October was cold and very rainy. We explored the town, getting chilled to the bone, and then proceeded directly to the hot springs. They have a hotel which maintains a nice private set of pools, but, as we discovered, that is for guests only… Nevertheless, there is an affordable public pool in the center of town which did wonders on such a miserable day.
After finishing in the pool, it was time for lunch. For anyone that has been to a tourist town in the off season, I’m sure that you can relate to the fact that there was not much open as we searched for some food. We settled on tomato soup and grilled cheese supplies from the corner store which we cooked up in the bus!
After this excursion, not much happened at the bus throughout the fall and holiday season. In the new year, however, we really ramped things up, and that will be the topic of my next post! Thanks for reading!